Apple`s new privacy feature could hurt Facebook financially

Apple`s new privacy feature could hurt Facebook financially

    Apple`s new iOS feature could cause significant damage to Facebook and Meta. The new iOS feature limits the targeting of millions of iPhone users by advertisers. As a result, Meta may suffer financial losses as it will not be able to target ads on Facebook and other platforms.

    The new "Application Tracking Transparency" feature, which is planned to come to iPhone smartphones, will allow users to choose whether to open their data for use by advertisers. As a result, Facebook`s advertising revenue could fall sharply. The estimated material damage to the company could be $ 10 billion. With this feature, advertisers will be able to more easily display ads to iPhone users. This statement was made by Facebook officials. Apple official Jane Howart said that Facebook has accepted that its main goal is to collect user data. Apple sees this as disrespectful to users. It was stated that user privacy is the most important thing.

    Note that Apple actually planned to make this change last year. But he chose to give other companies some time to adjust. Despite the protests of advertising companies, Apple is determined to take this step. It seems that millions of iPhone users will be less advertised from now on.
