We spent 1.3 trillion hours on the internet in 2023

We spent 1.3 trillion hours on the internet in 2023

How many hours have you spent online this year? According to data analyst group Domo, users spent 1,300,000,000,000 hours, or simply 1.3 trillion hours, on the internet in 2023 alone.

Every year since 2013, data analytics group Domo has published its "Data Never Sleeps" report, which shows what's happening on the internet every minute of every day throughout the year. According to the published report, the world spent 1,300,000,000,000 or simply 1.3 trillion hours, on the internet in 2023. This year, pop icon Taylor Swift streamed 69.4 thousand songs per minute, while artificial intelligence icon ChatGPT answered 3.6 billion queries.


1.3 trillion hours spent online

Every 60 seconds, users collectively spend a staggering 25.1 million hours online. This number means that our global society spends more than 1.3 trillion hours a year online in some way.

According to the Domo report, users sent 241 million emails per minute this year; this figure was 231.4 million in 2022. Users made 6.3 million searches per minute on Google this year, an increase of 6.7 percent. After a decline in engagement last year (347 thousand posts per minute), 360,000 posts are shared every minute on X (formerly Twitter) this year. Instagram users send more than 694,000 reels via direct message every 60 seconds.

Artificial intelligence has also risen wildly this year. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making huge impacts in the digital world. AI-driven platforms like ChatGPT are reshaping the way we work, communicate and produce. ChatGPT, a new addition to the list, receives 6,944 commands per minute. This means 3.6 billion queries throughout the year.


43 years of content is watched every minute

Users watch 43 years of content every 60 seconds. Interestingly, despite the proliferation of streaming services, this number has decreased from one million hours of streaming per minute (114 years) in 2022. A lot of money also changes hands over the internet. Amazon customers spend $455,000 every minute buying things from the mega-retailer. But Venmo has become even more popular, with users making $463,000 in purchases per minute through the service. On the other hand, investors bought and sold treasury bills worth $398 million online every minute. The global internet population reached 5.2 billion.
