Telegram update has brought new features!

Telegram update has brought new features!

Telegram’s previous update brought massive changes to emoji, including the ability to create custom animated emoji and the option gift Premium tier to your friends or family. Today’s update doubles down on those emoji improvements by adding infinite reactions and emoji statuses for Telegram users on Android and iOS. So, what exactly are the “infinite reactions” added today? Basically, all Telegram users can now pick reactions from an “infinite selection” of custom emoji. The selection includes the reactions that were previously only available with Telegram Premium. To make picking from such a huge number of emoji easier, Telegram has redesigned the reaction panel by making it expandable. Even better, the most frequent emoji that you’ll use, will always show up on top. Keep in mind though that you can only attach up to 3 reactions per message. Another important change coming to Telegram is related to emoji statuses. Starting today, Premium members can add animated emoji status, which will be displayed next to their name. However, the animated emoji status will replace the Premium Badge in the chat list, in your profile and in groups. The new feature allows Premium users to set one of the 7 standard statuses that change their color to match different Telegram themes. Additionally, they can choose from an “infinite” number of custom emoji. Apart from these two important new features, the latest Telegram update introduces some tweaks to more technical aspects of the app. For example, users who log out and log back in frequently will be sent login codes through their email address or using Sign in with Apple or Sign in with Google, but only if they want to.

Finally, a new improvement exclusively available on Android will allow users to prioritize downloads from the “Downloads” tab of Search. Pressing and holding items in the download list will allow you to reorder them and change priority. There’s also a new thematic Telegram icon available for those on Android 13 or newer, which will automatically match the phone’s dark mode stings and accent color.



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