User agreement

User agreement

                                                                                                                    USER AGREEMENT

                                                                Baku city                                                                                          January 31, 2022

The agreement on the terms of use concluded between the "User" and the "Administration" (hereinafter referred to as the "User Agreement") defines the terms of use of the "" Service.

            1. BASIC CONCEPTS
1.1. The following terms will be used in this User Agreement:
1.1.1. Service - Internet resource (site) located on the Internet at the domain "", site applications and other services based on various operating systems, as well as software, design (graphic design) of the site, applications and other services, database, any section (subsections) of services, as well as information posted on the services by "Administration" and "User".
1.1.2. Administration - "TELSAT" LLC, established and registered in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which carries out the administration of "Service". All property rights related to the service belong exclusively to
1.1.3. User - any person who accepts the terms of the agreement and uses the "Service" services.
1.1.4. Personal Cabinet - is a set of information defined (posted) by the "User" of the "User" environment. Any "User" can have only one "Personal Cabinet".
1.1.5. User`s personal information - about "User" himself, "User`s" personal information, information automatically transferred to "Administration" in the process of using the Service, including IP-address, information from Cookie, about "User`s browser" and other information about the User, including other information.
1.1.6. Information - Any information posted on the Service by the User or the Administration.
1.1.7. Authorization - The right granted to any person or group of persons to carry out certain activities, as well as the process of controlling the exercise of this right
1.1.8. Moderation is the process of updating, changing or deleting the information posted in the Service.
1.1.9. Moderator - Persons who carry out the moderation process.
1.1.7. Spam is unauthorized advertising, information, promotion and other types of mail or items.
1.1.8. Goods are products, works, services, material and technical resources, civil and non-civil rights.
1.1.9. The Parties to this Agreement are the Administration and the User.
1.2. Any terms and concepts used in this User Agreement and not reflected in the Basic Concepts will be explained in accordance with the meaning derived from the text of the User Agreement. In the event of any disagreement as to the interpretation of the term or designation used in the User Agreement, certain explanations will be provided by the Administration.

               2. GENERAL PROVISIONS
2.1. is the first and only mobile phone ads site in Azerbaijan.
2.2. provides users with a platform where they can place mobile ads. Users can easily place any ad in the following 4 categories:
2.2.1. Phones;
2.2.2. Computers and Tablets;
2.2.3. Smart Devices;
2.2.4. Accessories.
2.3. In addition, entrepreneurs who want to sell products in these 4 categories can create their own online stores.
2.4. The rules of use of "Service" services and materials are regulated by the current legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, this "User Agreement", as well as the "Privacy Policy" of the site "".
2.2. The current "User Agreement" is a public offer.
3.1. "User" rights:
3.1.1. Place ads using "Service" services and take advantage of the services offered in "Service";
3.1.2. To comply with special rules and / or Agreements adopted by the Administration for the provision and use of certain services;
3.1.3. Change the information (e-mail address and password) required to access the Service at any time;
3.1.4. To place ads in the "Service", regardless of whether they are registered or not, after filling out a special form posted on the site by the "Administration";
3.1.5. These rights are set forth in the User Agreement, other rules adopted by the Administration and other applicable law.
3.2. Obligations of the "User":
3.2.1. By accepting the terms and obligations of joining this "User Agreement" and following the instructions for use, using the "Services" services on behalf of a legal entity or an individual make;
3.2.2. Refuse to access and use the Service if you do not agree with the terms of this User Agreement or changes made to it;
3.2.3. Enter the required information correctly using the "Service";
3.2.4. Confidential information (e-mail address and password) required to access the Service;
3.2.5. If there are reasonable doubts about unauthorized access to his "Personal Cabinet", change his e-mail address and password;
3.2.6. Obtain permission from the "Administration" for re-registration of "Users" with limited access to the "Service" or the use of its services in the "Service";
3.2.7. Not to initiate actions that are assessed as a violation of legislation or generally accepted norms of international law, including in the field of intellectual property, copyright or other rights, as well as any actions that lead to or may lead to violation of the normal operation of the Service;
3.2.8 Place advertisements in accordance with the instructions of the "Service", provide reliable and complete information about the "Goods" and the terms of its sale;
3.2.9. Check the information about the "Goods" indicated in the announcement, correct or complete the necessary information in the announcement if incorrect or incomplete information is found;
3.2.10. Not to initiate any action that could lead to a heavy load on the infrastructure of the Service;
3.2.11. Not to copy, duplicate, change, disseminate or disclose to the public any information contained in the Service without the prior written permission of the Administration;
3.2.12. Not to interfere with the work of the Service, as well as not to interfere with the movement of automatic systems or processes;
3.2.13. These are other obligations set out in the User Agreement, other rules adopted by the Administration and applicable law.
3.3. Rights of the "Administration":
3.3.1. To unilaterally change the terms of the current "User Agreement";
3.3.2. Require at any time to confirm the authenticity of the information entered during the registration of the "User", as well as the submission of supporting documents;
3.3.3. To use special technical solutions (coding and authorization) in order to verify the accuracy of the information provided by the "User" during registration and / or authorization;
3.3.4. To stop the "User" from using the services in violation of the terms of the current "User Agreement";
3.3.5. Restrict or suspend the User`s access to the Service in case of violation by the "User" of this "User Agreement", other "Users", as well as the legislation in force, as well as for other necessary reasons;
3.3.6. These rights are set forth in the User Agreement, other rules adopted by the Administration and other applicable law.
3.4. Obligations of the "Administration":
3.4.1. In case of unilateral change of the terms of the current "User Agreement", to notify the "User";
3.4.2. To check the authenticity and reliability of the information entered by the "User" during the re-registration of "Users" with limited access to and / or use of the Services;
3.4.3. To ensure that "Users" have access to and use the Service on a voluntary basis;
3.4.4. These are other obligations set out in the User Agreement, other rules adopted by the Administration and applicable law.
The ads will be placed in accordance with the following rules and conditions:
4.1. Any information posted by the "User", including comments and other notes, should not contradict the requirements of applicable law and generally accepted public norms.
4.2. "Administration" in order to publish advertisements, information and any other information provided by the "User" completely free of charge. the right to copy, reproduce, reproduce data, images, images, video and audio materials, databases, publications, copyrights and intellectual property rights, as well as any other information on all known or unknown information carriers by the "User" can.
4.3. The information posted by the "User" in the "Service" can be accessed by other "Users". However, this "User" has the exclusive intellectual property rights to the materials posted on the "Service".
4.4. By placing the ad, the "User" must have the right to perform the actions specified in the relevant announcement. By placing an ad, the "User" both affirms the right to vote and bears the responsibility set forth in applicable law.
4.5. In addition, the User must have all the necessary rights to place any information in the ads of the Service, as well as licenses, permits, patents, trademarks and other necessary documents. In addition, the "User" must obtain official permission to use names, images or other objects belonging to third parties, if necessary.
4.6. The User may request additional information about the Goods posted by the User and any other information provided. Until the submission of this documentation, the Service suspends the publication of the announcement.
4.7. The "User" may place any "Goods" in the announcement, provided that no permission is required in connection with the disposal of that "Goods".
4.8. In order to effectively improve the quality of "Service" services, "Service" may limit the number of active ads placed by the "User", as well as the actions of the "User".
4.9. The description of the "Goods" placed in the ad constitutes its terms of sale. These conditions are determined by these "User Agreement", the rules adopted by the "Administration", as well as the relevant legislation in force.
4.10. Along with the description of the "Goods" placed in the advertisement, the rules of its delivery must also be indicated.
4.11. The terms of display of any information in the announcement, terms of sale and description of the goods, as well as other terms of the announcement are subject to the time of placement of the announcement, as well as future legislation, the current "User Agreement" (including any other rules adopted by the Administration); should not contradict the changes made to it. If, as a result of changes in the provisions of the above-mentioned rules, there is a discrepancy between the items of the relevant rules in any part of the active ads, the "User" must eliminate that discrepancy. If it is not possible to eliminate the discrepancy, the "User" must delete the ad. If the "User" refuses to delete the ad, the "Administration" will unilaterally delete the ad without notifying the "User".
4.12. It is prohibited to place advertisements in the "Service" that violate the current legislation, contradict the generally accepted public norms, as well as violate the rights of third parties. When placing the "User" ad, he must make sure that it complies with the terms of the current legislation, the current "User Agreement" and other rules adopted by the "Administration".
4.13. When placing an ad by the "User", links to the pages of Internet sites that contain other information about the "Goods" may not be placed.
4.14. The User undertakes not to support or disclose information about the following services:
4.14.1. offers by other trading platforms, online auctions and / or online stores;
4.14.2. Offers placed by the Service by other services offering the same or less paid `Goods`;
4.14.3. Offers by other services offering prohibited Goods on Service.
4.15. The User must not use automatic programs to access the Service without the written permission of the Administration. The use of computer programs that allow the placement of advertisements by going through the usual order of placement of advertisements may be carried out with the written permission of the "User" by the "Administration".
4.16. The "User" must refrain from recording the following information and / or performing actions:
4.16.1. error, inaccuracy or deception;
4.16.2. allowing fraud, deception or abuse of trust;
4.16.3. concluding agreements with stolen or counterfeit goods;
4.16.4. infringe the property of a third party or infringe on his trade secrets or his right to privacy;
4.16.5. possession of information that insults someone`s honor, dignity or business reputation;
4.16.6. possession of defamatory or threatening information against any person;
4.16.7. incitement to crime, as well as incitement to international hostility;
4.16.8. to challenge, enable and support terrorist and / or extremist activities;
4.16.9. to post information that violates generally accepted social and ethical norms;
4.16.10. contain computer viruses, as well as other computer programs, in particular, aimed at damage, unauthorized intrusion, covert seizure or misappropriation of any system data or the system itself, its part, personal information or other information (including Service Information) ;
4.16.11. advertising x storage of characteristic materials;
4.16.12. to violate the intellectual rights of third parties, the right to the description of a citizen and other rights of third parties;
4.16.13. to violate the current legislation in any other way.
4.17. The "Administration" may change, suspend or extend the period of display of any advertisement for reasons that depend on or are not dependent on the Service. In addition, the Administration may at any time cancel the display of the advertisement, the provisions of this Agreement, the rights of other persons or the display of advertisements in violation of applicable law.
4.18. The Administration may edit, re-categorize, or otherwise use any announcement.
4.19. The "Administration" may unilaterally refuse to place advertisements without giving any valid reasons.
4.20. Requirements for registration of the announcement are defined in the section "Rules of the site" in the rules of publication of announcements in the "Service".
4.21. The "User" is fully responsible for the content of the ads in accordance with applicable law.
5.1. Types of paid ads:
5.1.1. Premium;
5.1.2. VIP;
5.1.3. Pull the ad forward.
5.2. Despite the fact that the "User" uses the service of placing paid ads, the "Administration" may block them in case of violation of the rules of placement of such ads, and the service fee paid for the placement of such ads is not refunded to the "User".
5.3. The "User" who paid for the services of the "Service" has the right to apply to the Administration with a request to return the funds. The decision to return or refuse funds is made unilaterally by the Administration.
5.4. The Administration may refuse to return the funds to the User in the following cases:
5.4.1. If the "User" regularly violates the terms of the current "User Agreement";
5.4.2. When the ad is activated or deleted after moderation;
5.4.3. When the "User" places an advertisement on prohibited goods and offers;
5.4.4. In case of any malfunctions in the payment system. "Service" is not responsible for the operation of payment systems that pay for "Service" services through "Users". In this case, the issue of refund is resolved individually.
5.4.5. In other cases by the decision of the "Administration".
5.5. The procedure for refund is determined for each case between the "Administration" and the "User".
5.6. Funds to be returned are transferred to the "User`s" account within 30 days.
            6. "MESSAGES" FUNCTION
6.1. Authorized Users can use the "Messages" function to discuss the terms of products, services and agreements. Use of this feature for any other purpose is prohibited.
6.2. Correspondence between users is not personal. The Administration has the right to review individual correspondence in order to comply with the requirements of the rights and obligations set forth in the User Agreement.
6.3. Through the "Messages" function, messages can be sent to the "User" by third parties without any influence and control of the "Administration". The Administration is not responsible for the messages of other "Users" and / or automated systems (robots), as well as for the use of telephone numbers by "Users" posted on the Site.
            7. COMMUNICATION
7.1. The Administration has the right to send e-mails and / or short messages (SMS messages) to the e-mail addresses or telephone numbers of the User. Messages of the Service can be published in the Service.
7.2. In addition, the User agrees that such letters and messages, however, may contain, without limitation, offers to conclude an agreement from other Users and other informational and / or advertising messages and other messages. The "User" agrees that such messages and / or their separate parts may be of an advertising nature, as well as contain advertisements, information and other announcements.
7.3. Messages published in the "Service" are considered delivered to the "User" from the moment of their publication.
7.4. The Administration is not responsible for the use by other Users and / or for sending messages to the Service by automated systems (robots) placed on the form.
7.5. The Administration is not responsible for the use of telephone numbers and e-mail addresses posted by the "User" on the pages of the "Service" by other "Users" and / or robots.
7.6. The User confirms that the Administration has the right to provide third parties with e-mail addresses and telephone numbers for the purpose of sending letters and messages to the User.
7.7. “User ”’s“ Admin correspondence with the moderators of the "Service" or "Service" is carried out using the e-mail address specified in the "Service".
7.8. The "User" is not allowed to post comments, discussions and other posts about the actions of moderators and the "Administration" in the "Service".
7.9. The "User" may at any time refuse to receive messages by sending an appropriate request to his phone number or e-mail address.
            8. SOFTWARE
8.1. The domain name where the site is located, the site itself, mobile applications, as well as the "Service" and "Service" software belong to the "Administration".
8.2. When downloading the software, the Administration gives the User a free personal license to use the software without the right to transfer it to third parties.
8.3. According to the functions of the Service, such a license is intended to allow the "User" to use the services of the Service and to receive income from them.
8.4. Reproduction, alteration, sharing, sale (sale), exchange or lease of all or any part of the intellectual property of the "Administration" (including software), as well as the source code of the software without the written permission of the Administration " breaking or attempting to obtain it is prohibited.
9.1. All information (including personal information) provided by the "User" in the "Service" is placed by the "User" for the sale (realization) of his Goods.
9.2. The "User" places this or that information about himself only in his own interests, including to simplify the communication with the "User" and / or to identify the "User".
9.3. By posting information about himself, the "User" agrees that such information is posted in the "Service" in an open entrance, ie it is open to all "Users" for acquaintance.
9.4. "User" includes all the risks associated with the placement of information, including, but not limited to: spam - the risk of e-mail addresses in the lists for sending messages, the risk of email theft or other fraud, the risk of phone number to SMS-spammers and / or the risk of falling into SMS scams and other risks arising from such posting of information.
9.5. The Service is not the organizer, intermediary, buyer or seller of the Goods Agreement.
9.6. Damage, lost profits, income, financial losses or indirect, actual, external or penalty losses, as well as as a result of illegal actions of any person, caused by the conclusion and execution (implementation) of agreements by the "Service" "Users"; is not responsible for damages.
9.7. By using the services of the Service, the User assumes all responsibility for the use of advertisements placed on the Service.
9.8. "Service" is a tool that allows "Users" to place advertisements on "Goods", the sale (sale) and / or acquisition of which is permitted by law, the current "User Agreement" and other rules of use of the Service.
9.9. The Service does not regularly check the advertisements placed by the Users, as a result, the quality, safety, legality and conformity of the Goods to its description, as well as the seller`s ability to sell the Goods and the buyer to obtain them are beyond the control of the Service.
9.10. The Service cannot control the reliability of the information posted by users in advertisements.
9.11. The Service, its Administration, management and employees are not responsible for the content of advertisements posted on the Service, as well as their reliability.
9.12. "Administration", its management and employees are not responsible for the content of any messages (including those received by "Users" in the mailbox and / or mobile phone), as well as for the use of other forms of contact information of "Users". they do not carry.
9.13. The User agrees that the fact that the ad is placed on the Service does not guarantee the authenticity and legality of the offer, sale and / or purchase of the Goods. The decision to implement the Agreement is made by the User freely.
9.14. In accordance with the legislation, the general liability of the Service for any claims is limited to the amount paid by the User for the use of the Services by the User or (at the discretion of the Service) by re-providing these services to the User.
9.15. The "User" agrees that all disputes between the "User" and other "User" and / or "Service" customers (including as a result of the implementation of agreements) are free of charge without the involvement of the "User" "Administration" solves.
9.16. The Administration is not responsible for actions taken by third parties in the Service without its consent (permission) and / or information.
9.17. The "User" agrees that the Administration shall notify the "User" of any possible or incurred losses or damages resulting from the Content of the Service and / or the agreements made by the "User", with the registration of copyright and such registration is not responsible and has no direct or indirect obligations with respect to information about the goods or services in the "Service" or other connections made by the "User" using the information posted on the "Service".
9.18. The Administration is responsible for any software failures and other technical problems that may be transmitted to the Service or transmitted to third parties through the Service, as well as errors, software viruses, etc. is not responsible for.
9.19. The User undertakes to act only in accordance with the applicable legislation and the current "User Agreement", as well as to be fully responsible for personal actions and inaction in the Service and in the use of the Services in accordance with the law.
9.20. In case of violation of the rights of the "User" by another "User" (illegal use of intellectual property, etc.), the "User" whose rights have been violated may appeal to the "Administration" or moderators with a relevant complaint. The Administration undertakes to consider the complaint and, if justified, to take measures to stop the violation of the rights of the "User".
9.21. All agreements on goods and services are concluded directly between the "Users". The Service is not a participant and / or intermediary in the agreements concluded by the "Users" through the "Service". The Administration has no control over such agreements and is not responsible for them.
9.22. The User has been warned that the Administration is not responsible for its access to and use of external resources, which may be referenced in the Service. The Administration is not responsible for the content of advertisements, references to other resources and other information provided in the description of advertisements.
9.23. The Service is not responsible for the violation of the rights of third parties in connection with the provision of any information and data by the "User".
9.24. The User agrees that all materials and services of the Service, or any part thereof, may be accompanied by advertising. The "User" agrees that the Administration is not responsible for this and has no obligations in connection with such advertising.
9.25. The Administration does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided by the User and the accuracy of the information provided to him during the registration in the Service.
9.26. The User is advised to communicate with potential counterparties using all available tools in the Service.
            10. PERIOD OF USE RULES
10.1. This User Agreement shall enter into force upon the User`s use of the Services by the User and shall remain in force indefinitely, regardless of the fact that the User is registered in the Service or places an advertisement.
10.2. "User" has the right to terminate the use of the Service at any time. After that, the "User" can not place new ads.
10.3. The Service has the right to unilaterally suspend the User`s access. The "User" whose access to the Services is suspended or whose information is not valid does not have the right to re-register without the special permission of the "Administration", nor does such "User" have the right to use the registration information of another "User" to access the Service.
            11. OTHER CONDITIONS
11.1. In the event of disputes, the parties to the present Agreement undertake to resolve them through negotiations. Disputes arising during the implementation of this Agreement and the provision of services must be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
11.2. The Service reserves the right to change this Agreement unilaterally and without notifying the Users. The new version of the "Agreement" comes into force from the date of publication in the "Service".
11.3. Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed as interpreting an agent relationship between the User and the Administration, a Partnership relationship, a joint activity relationship, a personal employment relationship, or any other relationship not expressly provided for in the Agreement.
11.4. The court determines the invalidity of any provision of the "Agreement" The invalidity of other provisions of the "Agreement" does not result in.
11.5. In case of violation of the provisions of the Agreement by any of the "Users", the inaction of the "Administration" does not deprive the "Administration" of the right to initiate actions in accordance with the protection of its interests and rights.
11.6. All other terms and conditions not provided for in this Agreement are governed by a separate law.

The User confirms that he has read all the clauses of this Agreement and accepts them in full.