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MetaMask users beware: iCloud data is stolen
Beware if you store your MetaMask crypto wallet passwords on a cloud platform. Attackers can steal your passwords with very realistic phishing methods.
As the number of investors increased in the crypto money world, cyber attackers turned directly to this area. Numerous methods are used, from fake projects to infiltrating cryptocurrency platforms and stealing secret statements. As a result, billions of dollars are stolen. The latest attack incident was aimed at MetaMask users. Users who back up the MetaMask application on iCloud need to be extra careful because the 12-word secret phrase is also among the backups. Attackers mislead users by sending phishing messages that will seize the Apple password, and they are provided to reset the password with fake Apple customer service calls. It then accesses the backup files and searches for MetaMask expressions. With this method, it was stated that only a single user's $655,000 assets were stolen from the MetaMask wallet. Other users have also complained about phishing attacks.
MetaMask users are strictly requested to choose their iCloud password from strong combinations and not back up their secret statements to any platform. It is also recommended to disable the backup of the MetaMask application by going to the Backups menu on iCloud.