Instagram videos have automatic subtitle support

Instagram videos have automatic subtitle support

 Instagram platform has brought automatic subtitle support for videos to compete with TikTok. This feature, which came to TikTok early last year, is now active for Instagram.

 The competition between TikTok and Instagram is growing every day. TikTok`s introduction of automatic subtitle support for videos early last year was well received by users. Now this feature will be used on Instagram. It is reported that subtitle support will automatically activate for videos. Subtitle support is not currently available for all languages, but the number of languages ​​supported will increase in the near future. Instagram officials say the subtitles are made by artificial intelligence. For this reason, the subtitles will not be very perfect at first. However, it is said that translations will be better as the artificial intelligence`s ability to learn increases. With this new feature, Instagram targets users with hearing problems. Thus, those users will be able to use the platform easily. On the other hand, the company also thinks of users who watch videos silently. According to statistics, 92% of users watch Instagram videos silently. For this reason, the new feature will be useful for everyone.
