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Hackers stole $ 320 million worth of cryptocurrency from Wormhole

    Hackers stole $ 320 million worth of Ethereum from Wormhole, which acts as a bridge between Solona and other networks. The second largest hacking of the decentralized cryptocurrency market took place.

    An event took place at night that had a profound effect on the cryptocurrency market. There was a big hack in the Wormhole network, which acts as a bridge between the Solona network and other cryptocurrency exchanges. Thus, 120,000 Ethereum cryptocurrencies were stolen from the network. The value of the stolen cryptocurrency is 321 million 888 thousand dollars. Wormhole, which investigated the incident, has now shut down the entire network and offered hackers $ 10 million to return the stolen cryptocurrency. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. Note that the platform is currently closed for 12 hoursIt is unknown when the platform will open. Wormhole officials said security work is currently underway and the platform will be reopened as soon as possible. However, hours have passed since this statement, but there is no information yet. Earlier, another hack occurred.

    The incident took place in August 2021, when hackers attacked the Poly Network and stole $ 600 million worth of cryptocurrency. Now, the recurrence of a similar incident shows that cryptocurrency exchanges have a long way to go. Companies have also begun to invest, seeing cryptocurrencies become more popular every year. For this reason, stock exchanges have become the main target of hackers.