Elon Musk is the new owner of Twitter

Elon Musk is the new owner of Twitter

 Elon Musk and Twitter management finally came to a compromise and the decision to sell Twitter to Elon Musk came from the table. Musk bought all shares of Twitter for $44 billion.

 Evaluating 43 billion dollars to buy Twitter on April 14, Elon Musk took what he wanted from the table and announced that they agreed with the company management to buy Twitter for exactly 44 billion dollars. After the deal, Musk, who will pay $ 54.20 per share, said: “Freedom of expression is the cornerstone of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is a digital town square where issues vital to the future of humanity are discussed. I also want to open-source algorithms to equip Twitter with new features and make it more secure, combat spam bots, and authenticate all people, making Twitter a platform where they can use Twitter better than ever before.”
