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Apple explains how much memory you will need on the next iPhone

When purchasing a new phone, do you have trouble deciding how much storage you need? Or do you just decide to buy the largest amount of storage available for the model you are getting. This is usually a huge waste of money unless you absolutely need the 512GB-1TB of capacity available on flagship phones these days. Apple Support suggests how to determine how much storage you need for your new iPhone

Last October we told you about a rumor which called for Apple to offer iPhone 14 units in 2022 with as much as 2TB of NAND flash storage aboard. Most likely, this amount of storage capacity would be made available only on the iPhone 14 Pro line. Currently, the largest storage capacity available on an iPhone is the 1TB available on the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max with storage topping out at 512GB for the non-Pro models. Trying to be helpful, Apple Support released a video on Friday titled "How to choose your iPhone storage capacity."

Apple says, "If you’re getting a new iPhone, you can find out which storage capacity is best for you by checking how much storage you’re currently using." Hey, this actually makes sense. If you know how much storage is on your phone now, you can probably determine if you'd be better off with less storage, more storage, or the same amount. You'll also see a breakdown of the types of files you are filing your iPhone up with. For example, using the color coding on the iPhone Storage measurement tool, you can quickly see if your handset is filled with apps, photos, videos, mail, and messages. The Apple representative says in the video, "If you're nearing your limit, you'll want to consider an iPhone with larger capacity."

Some responses on YouTube were interesting including one that noted you should always look at future storage needs instead of current needs. As this person pointed out, with improvements to the camera in every model, you're bound to be taking better photos and videos that will require additional storage to save.